Hiking Madagascar

Madagascar is a stunning country roughly the size of California. With more than 80% of the country’s flora and fauna endemic to the island, it is a treasure trove of unique wonder. This page is devoted to the few hardy individuals on the planet who have traversed the length of the island.

Meredith Sorensen

  • Year: 2004
  • Start: Cap Sainte Marie / Cape Vohimena (the southern tip)
  • Finish: Cap Antsiranana (the northern tip)
  • Hike Summary: Meredith completed a 1600-mile megatransect the length of Madagascar while conducting 74 presentations with thousands of farmers on composting and other environmental topics.
  • Learn More: Here are more details on her hike.
  • What is she up to now? Meredith has forged a unique career path combining long-distance adventures, solid waste, composting, clean energy, and PR and marketing. See her professional website at Solid Strategies.

Ash Dykes

  • Year: 2016
  • Start: Cap Sainte Marie / Cape Vohimena (the southern tip)
  • Finish: Cap Antsiranana (the northern tip)
  • Hike Summary: In his words: “Ash became the first recorded person ever to traverse Madagascar’s length, through its interior taking on eight of the highest mountains on the fourth largest island in the world, trekking 1,600 miles in 155 days.” ~quoted from ashdykes.com on June 1, 2017
  • Learn More: Go to Ash’s website – www.ashdykes.com
  • What is he up to now? Probably planning his next adventure!

Other Hikers

  • Legend has it that a Malagasy man named “Zutu” walked to all municipalities in Madagascar.
  • If you have knowledge of someone having hiked the length (or perhaps width!) of the island, please reach out to get them added to this page.